Thoughts on This Palm Sunday

Good morning, you beautiful people!

It’s Palm Sunday!

Not even coronavirus can stop this most wonderful of days from being commemorated.

NOTHING can stop the King of Kings from riding down that slope into Jerusalem on the back of that colt of a donkey, just as was predicted hundreds of years ahead of time.

The people shouted “Hosanna, hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” They cast their beautiful outer garments on the roadway along with palm branches in honor of their long awaited Messiah’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

And halfway through His ride, Jesus stopped. And wept.

Why? Because His people were being held responsible for the appointment He had scheduled with them hundreds of years prior, as recorded in Daniel 9. (Think of this as the ultimate version of Morgan Freeman’s “God” character setting and keeping the appointment with Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty)

The Seventh at Seven — Bruce Almighty

He wept knowing that even though thousands had gathered to shout “Hosanna, hosanna!” this time, in a few short days another crowd would be shouting “Crucify Him, crucify Him!

But on that first Palm Sunday, this event kicked off the final week of Jesus’ direct earthly ministry, effectively passing the point of no return (though He, of course, never had any intention of turning back).

For one day at least, the people were thrilled to have Jesus in their midst. And I pray today that you also are just as thrilled, regardless of the circumstances of life being what they are.

Put all that aside for today, and just be thrilled to have Jesus in your midst.

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I’ll Find You — Lecrae (ft. Tori Kelly)
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(Obviously not my music, rights reserved by their respective owners.)

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