What are Israeli leaders learning from the President’s vacillations on Syria? They’re on their own when it comes to Iran.

For anyone who has ever wondered why there’s no mention of the U.S. coming to the aid of Israel in Ezekiel 38-39, this might have something to do with it:
(reposted from Joel Rosenberg’s blog)

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

obama-netanyahu-WHUPDATED:(Washington, D.C.) — It is not exactly starting off as a happy New Year in Jerusalem.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Security Cabinet have to be mortified by what they are seeing unfold — not in Damascus, but in Washington.

To be sure, Israeli leaders are concerned but not surprised by the horrific blood-letting that is underway between the evil Assad regime and the demonic forces of al Qaeda and their Radical Islamic partners. But the Israelis are stunned and dismayed by the vacillating, lurching, confused and chaotic approach to decision-making being taken by President Obama and his top advisors.

Officially, the Israeli government supports the Obama administration’s approach to Syria. “Israel agrees with President Obama that the use of chemical weapons is a ‘heinous act’ for which the Assad regime must be held accountable and for which there must be ‘international consequences,’” said Michael Oren, the Israeli ambassador…

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